Welcome to your Oxford Happiness Scale

The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire was developed by psychologists Michael Argyle and Peter Hills at Oxford University. Take a few moments to take the survey. This is a good way to get a snapshot of your current level of happiness. You can even use your score to compare to your happiness level at some point in the future by taking the survey again. If you are using some of the interventions presented on this site to raise your happiness level, you can see whether your score on the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire goes up as a result.

There are 29 questions, each making a statement about happiness, and you state how much you agree or disagree with that statement, from:
1 = strongly disagree
2 = moderately disagree
3 = slightly disagree
4 = slightly agree
5 = moderately agree
6 = strongly agree

Please read the statements carefully, because some are phrased positively and others negatively. Don’t take too long over individual questions; there are no “right” or “wrong” answers (and no trick questions). The first answer that comes into your head is probably the right one for you. If you find some of the questions difficult, please give the answer that is true for you in general or for most of the time.


I don’t feel particularly pleased with the way I am.


I am intensely interested in other people.


I feel that life is very rewarding.


I have very warm feelings towards almost everyone.


I rarely wake up feeling rested.


I am not particularly optimistic about the future.


I find most things amusing.


I am always committed and involved.


Life is good.


I do not think that the world is a good place.


I laugh a lot.


I am well satisfied about everything in my life.


I don’t think I look attractive.


There is a gap between what I would like to do and what I have done.


I am very happy


I find beauty in some things


I always have a cheerful effect on others.


I can fit in (find time for) everything I want to.


I feel that I am not especially in control of my life.


I feel able to take anything on.


I feel fully mentally alert.


I often experience joy and elation.


I don’t find it easy to make decisions.


I don’t have a particular sense of meaning and purpose in my life.


I feel I have a great deal of energy.


I usually have a good influence on events.


I don’t have fun with other people.


I don’t feel particularly healthy.


I don’t have particularly happy memories of the past.

I recommend you record your score and the date. Then you’ll have the option to compare your score now with your score at a later date. This can be especially helpful if you are trying some of the exercises, and actively working on increasing your happiness.

Hills, P., & Argyle, M. (2002). The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: a compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being. Personality and Individual Differences, 33, 1073–1082.

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