This drive is all about managing your weight in relation to your body size and stature.
Let’s first start by saying you won’t find any diets in this Drive and we won’t recommend any. We will talk about a few diets but we don’t advise you to use them. Most medical professionals will tell you dieting is a waste of time, whether its carbs to proteins or calories or carbs it does not matter. It’s all about a balanced diet mindful of your own body’s needs and requirements.
WeightDrive is all about you getting to know yourself, what your lifestyle is, how many calories you eat/drink each day and how many you burn. What your muscle structure is and how often you exercise or not. When you eat, the portion size and the frequency – it’s really as simple as that!!
Who wants a model image and then having to live a miserable life living off seaweed, kelp, rabbit food and tofu. Most normal people have a bit of extra fat on their bums, boobs or belly, so what. If you are within your body range, eat healthily and exercise and you have no underlying health conditions? Then enjoy life.
Click on a heading below and see a summary, and if you're interested you can GO and read more about it!
Here are somefacts about weight. GO!
See what affects your weight. GO!
See some interesting facts about diets. GO!
See some facts about timing of meals and chewing. GO!
Even children and pets are overweight! GO!
See whether fasting works for losing weight. GO!
See what detoxing is all about. GO!
Isn’t loving yourself as you are more important? GO!
See the relationship between obesity and different cancers. GO!
If you’re fit and fat there are still potential issues. GO!
See if there’s a link. GO!
You need to change your habits to manage youe weight successfully. GO!
Calculate your own Body Mass Index. GO!
Here are some simple steps to help you manage your weight. GO!
If you’re a visitor to our site you can join and download information, assess your own health and create your own action plans, and even contribute to our site. GO!
See what you can do next. GO!
We have some additional information and stuff on this subject. GO!
Facts About Weight
had a body mass index of 30 or more. In 2016 according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development nearly 27% of adults in the United Kingdom were obese, the highest proportion in Western Europe and a 92% increase since 1996.
The UK has been ranked fourth for having the most overweight and obese adults in Europe, where obesity affects 59% of adults across the continent, a study has found.
In 2019/20, there were just over one million hospital admissions in England where obesity was a factor, a 17% rise on 2018/19.
£3.05 billion is the highest ever value for the UK organic market, and surpassed the Soil Association’s 2021 predictions.
Weight Management
In simple terms, the food we eat and the clean water we drink feeds our body and creates energy, measured in calories. Basically, If you eat and drink lots and if your body doesn’t burn off the same amount then the body stores the excess as fat for a day when you might need it.
The second and often considered factor is metabolism; often people blame weight gain on having a ‘slow metabolism’ meaning they burn off calories slower.
It’s easy to hate that person who can eat a 3-course meal every day and not put on a gram -does their body metabolism run at a higher rate and burn off more calories? Some people can look at a cream doughnut and feel fatter!!! The Mayo Clinic reckon it’s just about energy.
So, knowing yourself, knowing how much you eat in terms of calories and how much you use is the key. It’s worthwhile weighing yourself and assess their body mass index (BMI) – see below. You should learn to watch your weight and take charge. You need to watch the numbers.
Weight loss diets - do they really work?
According to scientists and leading Doctors, no they don’t and they don’t recommend weight loss diets. What scientists and doctors say is start by evaluating how much you burn calorifically each day and then work out a healthy eating regime around your intake. If you reduce your calorific intake and gently increase exercise you will loss weight gradually and your body adjusts itself over time. .
In the world of change we often use these terms. Revolutionary change means massive, fast, dynamic and potentially uncontrollable. With revolutionary change or any kind what often happens is consequences of the change. Managing issues and consequences of rapid change are sometimes uncontrollable and people end up firefighting. With revolutionary change risks cannot always be planed and managed easily and could result in increased risk. Evolutionary change is about gradual change where risks and consequences are more easily managed.
Often humans are impetuous and want to lose a lifetime of weight gain in weeks or even days, rather than accepting the healthiest way is over a couple of years. Most weight loss diets fail because humans get bored, lose interest, get depressed at the suffering and pain that they are putting themselves through, easily tempted because they have deprived themselves of nice things.