Start Registration

Thanks for wanting to register with YouDriveHealth.

Complete the form below to register. You will be sent an email which verifies your email address – please check your Inbox and Spam folder for this email, as you need to verify your email address before you can complete your registration.

You will then go to a Welcome page, where you can sign in. 

You will then find a new menu option called Dashboard.  Here you will be able to edit your registration details, and also  start to look in more detail at many aspects of your health.

By registering you can download our materials, comment on any post or page, and in future start to assess your own health and make improvements. 

From here you will also be able to contact us if you have any thoughts or comments on our site.

You will also be able to contribute to our site, by writing posts or articles, putting links to other sites (including your own!) and links to allow visitors to download your material (obviously we will moderate this – you can see our moderation policy). 

Please note we need a strong password – minimum one uppercase letter, a number, a special character, must be 9 characters and no repetitive words or common words.

Once you’ve completed the form there will be a brief pause while we set up your dashboard, then you’ll go there.

Use this form to register as a YouDriver and be able to create and access your health record

Health domains

You need to scroll down to see all the info in this popup – sorry for going on so much!

We break down the overall concept of health or wellness into ‘bite-sized chunks’ that we can actually do something about.  The first level we call health domains.

We like the Life of Wellness site and we have chosen the following domains.

1. Emotional Wellness: Awareness and acceptance of feelings
2. Spiritual Wellness: A search for meaning and purpose
3. Intellectual Wellness: Recognition of your creativity, knowledge and skills
4. Physical Wellness: Need for physical activity and balanced nutrition
5. Environmental Wellness: Positive awareness and impact on your environment
6. Financial Wellness: Debt reduction, cash flow balance or financial future planning
7. Occupational Wellness: Personal achievement and enrichment from your career
8. Social Wellness: Contribution to your community

wellness wheel

Health Areas

Within each domain, we have included a number of health areas. These are specific issues that you can tackle.  Within each health area, e.g. Depression, once you have subscribed we have built additional information and exercises which you can do to help in the area.

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See which domains you should address

You need to scroll down to see all the info in this popup – sorry for going on so much!

Having established that we use 8 domains, you need to understand which you should concentrate on.

The 8 are:

  • Emotional
  • Environmental
  • Financial
  • Intellectual
  • Occupational
  • Physical
  • Social
  • Spiritual

You can take a questionnaire, which scores you in each domain.  You can decide which domains you are strong in, and which you need to improve.

Another analysis shows which domains you should look at, but also which domains you want to look at.

To close this box and go back click the X at the top or just click outside the box

A Butterfly Life: 4 Keys to More Happiness, Better Health and Letting Your True Self Shine

Times of change can be a challenge, no doubt! Whether it’s a relationship breakup, job loss, or being diagnosed with a serious health issue. Or you may WANT things to be different, but it feels a little scary or overwhelming. The butterfly reminds us change can be beautiful, even necessary, in order to realize our full potential and live our best life.