Stop Procrastination exercise
Dizziness and Vertigo
Reducing Stress Exercises
Compassion Fatigue
Work life balance reflection
Awareness Walking
Working From home
More and more people are working from home. While this brings a lot of advantages, there are some things to careful of too. Benefits include not having office distractions, such as office ‘chats’, phone calls and meetings. You’ll also cut down travelling time, increasing time available for productive work and relaxation. You can be more […]
Self Eulogy
The purpose of this exercise is to determine your values, by imagining some people speaking at your own funeral! You have to imagine that people who are important to you say some words at your funeral. You need to decide what they will say about you. These things are what they see as your most […]
Positive Reframing
Different individuals can share the same experience but walk away with a different perspective and interpretation. • Positive reframing is about finding the good in situation that is negative. In other words, learning to see the good in the bad. • Rather than focusing on the negative consequences, positive reframing teaches you to look for […]
Mindful Breathing
Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment, the here and now. We breathe all day long, often not paying attention to it at all. By turning our attention to our breath, even for a minute or two can bring us a more peaceful state of mind. 1. Start by breathing in […]