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it's March 12, 2025
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Seriously, take the trouble to sign in and come back.
You can see many of the details you entered when you registered above, and more below. To edit these or add more, GO!
Here you can contribute to our site, by writing posts or articles, or make your contact available on our site for download or via a link. GO!
Here you can assess how healthy you are now, in each of many different health areas, and start to make some improvements. GO!
Your Registration Details
You can change some of the personal details you registered with here.
Contact Us
If you want to contact us click the button
To see your contacts click the button
Your Contributor Details
This is where you can add posts, articles, other contributions, links to other sites and PDFs and other files which can be downloaded from our site. You can also provide information on certain health areas, exercises that people can undertake either as part of their action plans or standalone.
To do this you will have to enter some more information about yourself, including the parts of our site you are most interested in contributing to.
A Download files from our site and comment on pages and posts As a subscriber you can download files and comment on pages, posts and articles. You can contact us and see all correspondence.
B Add and edit posts for our site. You can become a contributor, in which case you can create posts for our site, which will be posted once authorised. As an author your posts will be posted automatically.
C You can add articles, links to other sites and files which can be downloaded. Once you decide which specific health area you want to address, you can find out more about it then start making some changes!
D You can see all your comments. If you have an area of expertise you can contact us to become an expert and provide support to people who visit our site. We will provide people who want support in the area you specialise in with your details, after establishing bona fides.
E You can become an Expert and help other people who visit our site. If you have an area of expertise you can contact us to become an expert and provide support to people who visit our site. We will provide people who want support in the area you specialise in with your details, after establishing bona fides.
You Drive Your Journey to Health
This is where you can choose how you want to assess your own health and start to take steps to make improvements. At each stage you will build up your own personal health record (which will only be visible to you) and which you will be able to view and print. There are three stages, and you can choose any one or complete the whole process.
For each section you will create your own record. No-one else will see this. You will be able to update and change it as you progress.
1 Understand yourself and your health. This can involve doing a questionnaire to see how healthy you are now, looking at what has made you the way you are now, what your values are, your strengths and weaknesses, some aspects of your personality and how likely you are to change.
2 See how healthy you are in different areas. You can learn how your overall health is made up – we talk about physical, financial and mental health but there are other more detailed aspects to health (we call these ‘domains’) and also specific areas within these domains, and you need to understand exactly WHAT you want to focus on.
3 Improve your health in a specific health area. Once you decide which specific health area you want to address, you can find out more about it then start making some changes!
4 Complete a full process. The first time you look at this you may want to follow the full process, which has been developed after extensive research into different worldwide approaches to determining overall health. The process is very interactive, and covers all three of the above approaches – understanding yourself, looking at different health areas and then completing an action plan.