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Mystical guidance – what’s it all about?

Health Area(s): Anxiety, Are You Sensitive, Compassion Fatigue, Depression, Emotional, Love Partnerships, Mystical Guidance, Sleep, Social, Spiritual, Spirituality, Stress
Health Area(s): Anxiety, Are You Sensitive, Compassion Fatigue, Depression, Emotional, Love Partnerships, Mystical Guidance, Sleep, Social, Spiritual, Spirituality, Stress

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Younger Generations Seek Mystical Guidance For Everything—From Health to Fashion

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The following was written by Leslie McGuirk and published by Sourcing Journal.

In the not-so-distant past, astrology had no place in the board room. But now that research firm IBISWorld has valued the psychic services industry at $2.2 billion, the zodiac has become a legitimate matter of business—and one the denim industry may want to explore.
Consumer brands of all kinds are turning to a higher power to connect with the millennial and Gen Z cohorts embracing these philosophies. From Starbucks’ astrological drink recommendations to Spotify’s cosmic playlists, major corporations are weaving mysticism into their products and marketing strategies to meet consumers where they are: in the stars.
Anxiety’s antidote
While astrology has always intrigued, the latest mystical movement is being attributed to mounting political tensions, economic uncertainties and worsening ecological conditions that have become so dire they’ve sparked a psychological phenomenon referred to as eco-anxiety, complete with an entire set of symptoms and treatments for people experiencing overwhelming climate-related dread.
As younger generations start to feel this pressure, they seek comfort in a higher power—but not in the traditional sense. While their predecessors may have looked to religion, or medication, for answers during hard times, today’s society opts for mystical guidance.
According to internationally acclaimed astrologer and TED speaker Leslie McGuirk, astrology can give people a sense of control when they feel anything but.
“People feel dislocated, irritated and shaken up. Whatever was safe and secure no longer feels that way,” she said. “Astrology is one of the very few things that brings a higher viewpoint to explain our current situation on this planet. Astrology explains human patterns, and when you can understand something, you can deal with anything.”
And as unconventional as astrology may seem, many prominent figures throughout history have acknowledged its credibility. Everyone from politicians—former U.S. president Ronald Reagan was known to follow astrology—to artists and psychologists all have ties to the stars.
“It used to be you couldn’t get a medical license if you couldn’t read an astrological chart,” said McGuirk. “Hippocrates—the father of modern medicine—understood, as did Leonardo da Vinci, Carl Jung and many others, that astrology is a phenomenal system that helps explain why people are the way they are.”
Still not sold? It doesn’t matter. Astrology is such a major social topic that even its sceptics are contributing to its popularity. Instagram accounts @notallgeminis (576k followers) and @trashbag_astrology (413k followers) provide satirical astrological content that regularly goes viral. At the end of the day, those who follow astrology, even just ironically, are still consuming mystical content.
Going global
The fad isn’t just a part of Western culture, either. The Chinese zodiac has also become the subject of fashion, with major denim brands like Diesel, Levi’s and Rag & Bone celebrating the Year of the Rat with unique capsule collections in 2020.
Consumers born under the Rat zodiac (birth years 1948, 1960, 1984, 1996, 2008) represented their animal in style. According to research from retail data and analytics firm Edited, there was a 76 percent increase in Chinese New Year products in the luxury market year over year across the U.S. and U.K. Gucci, Bottega Veneta and Burberry were the biggest contributors. What’s more, only 8 percent of Chinese New Year-themed items were priced under $50, meaning there’s big spending potential for this kind of customized fashion.
And customized fashion is something the denim industry is particularly familiar with. In recent years, there’s been a surging demand for more personalized products, to which many brands, including Levi’s, have responded. The heritage denim brand has opened pop-ups, in-store customization stations and an online platform that allows shoppers to add patches, embroidery, chain-stitching and a slew of other personal touches to their denim—and the offering has been a win with consumers.
Integrating mysticism
As with all forms of trend, a brand’s integration of astrology needs to be authentic. If a brand gets this wrong—as was the case for Amazon Prime, which was dragged by the Twitterverse and social commentary sites like Slate for its zodiac-themed shopping guide—they risk doing more damage than good.
According to the astrologists in Slate’s piece, one of the glaring issues with Amazon’s shopping guide was that it featured daily horoscopes that lacked mention of a planet or a moon cycle. In layman’s terms, this means it was overly simplified and therefore inauthentic. In millennial and Gen Z terms, this means Amazon could be on its way to getting cancelled.
“There should be an authenticity to the product,” said Amy Zerner, author of “Astrology for Wellness: Sun Sign Guides for Body, Mind & Spirit Vitality.” “Brands can get it wrong if it’s obvious they’re just trying to cash in on a trend.”
Zerner, who has designed zodiac-themed collections sold exclusively at Bergdorf Goodman, knows the intricacies of astrology and how to translate that into mainstream success. Her now-sold-out line of talisman astrology necklaces feature a gold pendant with an artistic interpretation of the sign on one side, and on the other, a word. For Aries, that word is “courage;” for Sagittarius, it’s “luck,” and so on.
The line’s minimalistic design may have been the key to its success. Fashion trend consultant Marie-Michele Larivee explained that simplicity is what today’s stressed-out consumers crave most.
“Using astrology is a good strategy if it reduces the number of decisions for the buyer,” she said, adding that brands should focus on alleviating stress for consumers who are likely inundated with options. With the growing stressors of everyday life, the paradox of choice can become paralyzing. “Retailers should see it as a fascinating new world that can provide relief from the current state of ongoing anxiety.”
It might be a new world for some, but astrology’s biggest moment actually took place during the New Age movement of the ’60s and ’70s, a period dominated by zodiac signs, peace signs and hippie culture. For the fashion world, the mood was expressed in paisley prints and high waisted, flared denim, much like the designs seen on the runway today. It’s no coincidence that as the mystical revival makes its way back, so do the sartorial staples of that time.
“Trends come and go like a pendulum swing,” Larivee said. “As society circles back to a time of uncertainty, astrology and modern spirituality arise. The movement may come in a new form each time, but the basis stays the same.”

Today’s mysticism takes the shape of its younger consumer base, with social media and interactive pop-ups cultivating a community of individuals who connect on a personal and spiritual level. For brands, it’s a ripe environment for engagement, which they can harness through social media events, like one-on-one sessions with credible astrologists, as well as mystical in-person activities like mini natal chart readings and astrology-themed book signings.
The mystical revival is directly related to society’s growing obsession with alternative wellness practices. The same demographics that look to the stars for guidance are often simultaneously seeking healthier lifestyles. Wellness in all of its forms is such a massive movement that fashion trend forecasters have called it out as being one of the defining trends that will shape fashion through 2022—and it’s a major reason why brands are introducing crystals, CBD, hemp and other forms of mystical culture into their collections.
“We as a culture are shifting toward wonderful holistic protocols and mindfulness regimes for optimum well-being,” Zerner said. “The zodiac especially can provide entertaining, yet penetrating and useful information about one’s personality, and there is enormous potential for quality products that address this group’s interests and beliefs.”

We suggest a frequency of: Each day
and it could last 30





Using mystical poetry to access your own inner guide: Kaveen Hutchison
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
What animals are thinking and feeling, and why it should matter
Carl Safina takes us inside the lives and minds of animals around the world, witnessing their profound capacity for perception, thought and emotion, showing why the word “it” is often inappropriate as we discover “who” they really are. And yet, we are wiping out the very animals we should celebrate; we are the flood coming for Noah’s Ark. Carl leaves us with a difficult question: Do we have what it takes to let life on earth survive?Carl Safina’s work has been recognized with MacArthur, Pew, and Guggenheim Fellowships, and his writing has won the Lannan Literary Award and the John Burroughs, James Beard, and George Rabb medals. He has a PhD in ecology from Rutgers University. Safina is the inaugural endowed professor for nature and humanity at Stony Brook University, where he co-chairs the steering committee of the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science and is founding president of the not-for-profit Safina Center. He hosted the 10-part PBS series Saving the Ocean with Carl Safina. His writing appears in The New York Times, National Geographic, Audubon and other periodicals, and on the Web at National Geographic News and Views, Huffington Post, and Carl Safina’s writing shows how humanity is changing the natural world and what those changes mean for wildlife and for people.

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All areas of health are interlinked

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Find your initial focus

You might think that physical, financial and mental health are quite separate, and for some people they are. However, often a problem in one area has a knock-on effect on others. Losing your job can lead to anxiety and depression, which can turn you to drink and impact your health.

You might have a severe issue in one area but that can lead to problems in other areas, and the people treating you for the first problem won’t be equipped to deal with these linked issues.

For example, doctors and nurses can treat you for a physical problem but can’t advise you about your job or finances.  Nor for the anxiety that comes with it, apart from prescribing some drugs, which might or might not be the best solution.

We encourage you to take a holistic view – we look at all areas and offer support across the whole spectrum.

health areas interlinked

Even this view of health is simplistic, as you’ll discover later if you go down that route.  You might want to consider overall health, or wellness or wellbeing, which include additional types of health, such as occupational health (how you are in your job).   Then there’s happiness and quality of life – how do these fit?

If you’re interested in that, click the link here to see more information.

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Health Areas in Domains

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We break down the overall concept of health or wellness into ‘bite-sized chunks’ that we can actually do something about.  The first level we call health domains. 

We like the Life of Wellness site and we have chosen the following domains.

1. Emotional Wellness: Awareness and acceptance of feelings
2. Spiritual Wellness: A search for meaning and purpose
3. Intellectual Wellness: Recognition of your creativity, knowledge and skills
4. Physical Wellness: Need for physical activity and balanced nutrition
5. Environmental Wellness: Positive awareness and impact on your environment
6. Financial Wellness: Debt reduction, cash flow balance or financial future planning
7. Occupational Wellness: Personal achievement and enrichment from your career
8. Social Wellness: Contribution to your community

Health Areas

Within each domain, we have included a number of health areas. These are specific issues that you can tackle.  Within each health area, e.g. Depression, we have built additional information and exercises which you can do to help in the area. You can create your own Action Plan to address this area, and see

Emotional: Anxiety, Compassion Fatigue, Depression, Gambling, Laughter, Narcissistic, Personality Disorder, Sleep, Stress

Environmental: Environmental Issues, Greenness

Financial: Debt, Family Finance, Financial Planning, Financial Wellness

Intellectual: IQ, Personality, Procrastination

Occupational: Jobs for Different Personality Types, Retirement Income, Work Life Balance

Physical: Alcohol, Disabilities, Dizziness, Drugs, Fitness, Food Preferences, General Health, Healthy Ageing, Illness, Nutrition, Sleep Apnea, Smoking

Social: Communication Skills, Communication Styles, Domestic Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Love Partnerships, Mental Abuse, Parenting Styles, Sexual Addiction

Spiritual: Are You Sensitive, Mystical Guidance, Spirituality

Each health area has supporting information and its own questionnaire.

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Understand Health

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Physical, financial and mental health

One definition of health is:

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. 

The NHS define health as: ‘We use a broad definition of health that encompasses both physical and mental health, as well as wellbeing. This means we are not only interested in whether or not people are ill or have a health condition, but also in how healthy and well they are.’

We believe we also have to consider financial health, as this can easily impact physical and mental health. Click the button to see an example of how these are connected.

 It gets more complicated…

What is Health? How about Wellness, Wellbeing or Happiness?

The Active Wellbeing Society (TAWS) define Health as a state of the overall mental and physical state of a person; the absence of disease. They define Wellbeing or wellness as a way of life that aims to enhance well-being and refers to a more holistic whole-of-life experience which also includes emotional and spiritual aspects of life.  We expand on this definition of health to include financial health and mental health, to make it synonymous with wellbeing or wellness.  

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Health domains

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We break down the overall concept of health or wellness into ‘bite-sized chunks’ that we can actually do something about.  The first level we call health domains.

We like the Life of Wellness site and we have chosen the following domains.

1. Emotional Wellness: Awareness and acceptance of feelings
2. Spiritual Wellness: A search for meaning and purpose
3. Intellectual Wellness: Recognition of your creativity, knowledge and skills
4. Physical Wellness: Need for physical activity and balanced nutrition
5. Environmental Wellness: Positive awareness and impact on your environment
6. Financial Wellness: Debt reduction, cash flow balance or financial future planning
7. Occupational Wellness: Personal achievement and enrichment from your career
8. Social Wellness: Contribution to your community

wellness wheel

Health Areas

Within each domain, we have included a number of health areas. These are specific issues that you can tackle.  Within each health area, e.g. Depression, once you have subscribed we have built additional information and exercises which you can do to help in the area.

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See which domains you should address

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Having established that we use 8 domains, you need to understand which you should concentrate on.

The 8 are:

  • Emotional
  • Environmental
  • Financial
  • Intellectual
  • Occupational
  • Physical
  • Social
  • Spiritual


You can take a questionnaire, which scores you in each domain.  You can decide which domains you are strong in, and which you need to improve.

Another analysis shows which domains you should look at, but also which domains you want to look at.

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Locus of Control

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  • We want to help people in all aspects of their health  – physical, financial and mental. We also provide detailed explanations of how overall health (or well-being) is measured.
  • We believe these things are often linked, so we try and address health holistically. We are building templates, questionnaires and exercises to help you identify what’s important to you.
  • We think people should try and take responsibility for  of their own health as much as they can.  See below for what that means.

People look at things differently.  Some people believe things happen to them, while others believe they can influence what happens to them. Technically this is called the ‘locus of control’.  People can have an Internal or external Locus of Control

So how do you see things?

Psychology Today have a 15 minute test which gives you a summary of your position you can buy the detailed results if you want to.

My Personality Test have a 10 minute test which gives you a summary.

People tend to take more responsibility (locus gets more internal) as they get older.  However, external isn’t always bad – for example if you are physically unable to do some things you can accept it and focus on the things you can do.  This American video explains the concept and gives examples of how this can affect relationships.

locus of control


  • More likely to take responsibility for actions
  • Tend to be less influenced by others


  • Blame outside forces for what happens
  • Don’t believe they can change their situation themselves

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Add your attitude to change - see how you view changes in your life

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Do you need to change?

No matter how healthy you are at the moment, the chances are that there are some areas you could improve. It may be that you have a real problem in one or more areas, and you would like to make some improvements.

At YouDrive we accept that there are many different degrees of ‘not wellness’ in a large number of different health areas, ranging from physical illness such as covid-19 through mental illness such as anxiety through to financial problems like debt.  We try and help where the problem ranges from ‘slight’ to quite bad’ – after this expert help and intervention may be needed.

However, especially in these times, we have to try and make these changes ourselves, possibly with some help from others, whether remotely or face to face.

The thing is, to make an improvement we have to change some things.

This involves changing our behaviour in some respects, and that’s not always easy.

Henry Ford, the creator of the assembly line, is quoted as saying “if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”.  

henry ford

Another way of looking at this: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” – attributed to Albert Einstein.

Consequently we need to make some changes.  The problem is that we have already developed a lot of habits, some of which we need to break and replace by better ones.  Some of our bad habits have become entrenched, and the bad results they create in turn engender further bad habits to develop – in effect the bad habits can feed on themselves.

We need to understand how we can make changes and stick to them, and that’s what this part of your health profile is about.

It will involve some learning, through reading, some videos and some additional information and also seeing how you react to change currently.

It will also ask you to consider whether you feel you are in charge of your future, or whether you feel it’s all fate.

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Assess your overall health using a health questionnaire

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At YouDrive we try and help people improve their health. We use ‘health’ but we understand there are other terms such as wellbeing or even happiness that reflect how we are doing in our lives – if you’re interested in the different definitions and ideas see our page on the subject.

We want to help whether you have a particular problem – physical, financial or mental – or if you just want to improve some specific part of your life or just make some improvements overall.

You’d be surprised, but there has been a serious amount of scientific work done in this area over the last twenty years.

So first we allow you to assess your current health (or wellbeing, or happiness).  We do this by questionnaire.  Which one is determined by the type of person you are:

  1. You understand yourself well and want a quick overview of your health and wellness, and will drill down in any areas needing work
  2. You want to do a more detailed assessment and then focus on areas you’re already aware of
  3. You want to look at the whole situation in more detail across all the health domains.

By the way, we take your privacy seriously – we collect information that you choose to provide but we de-identify it as much as possible and will never share it with anyone without your explicit consent.

You can then drill down into some specific areas and there are more questionnaires to see your situation in these particular areas.  We provide you with specific information and refer you to other potential aspects of help. Our next step is to build a personalised action plan – for now we will make a suggestion for you to develop your own plan and then after a time you can see whether this has had a positive impact by retaking the test.

In future we will be engaging with medical and behavioural specialists to devise action plans for individual people with specific situations.

We have an overall questionnaire which you can complete which will assess your current state.

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Values, Attitudes and Beliefs

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We all have our beliefs, attitudes and values – these have developed throughout our life based on who we are and what we have done. Let’s look at what these are.

The University of Reading explain: “People’s values, beliefs and attitudes are formed and bonded over time through the influences of family, friends, society and life experiences. So, by the time you’re an adult, you can hold very definite views on just about everything with a sense of “no one is going to change my mind”.

The combination of your personal values, beliefs and attitudes are your moral principles that guide you in life and affect your behaviour. However, your views can wildly differ to others and in an institution such as a school, these beliefs may be counter to the values of the school, child development or indeed the law.” 

Let’s look more closely at the differences between beliefs, attitudes and values.


These come from real experiences – we think our beliefs are based on reality, but in fact our beliefs colour our experiences; also, an original experience e.g. when we were a child is not the same as what’s happening now. Beliefs can be moral, religious or cultural and reflect who we are. They can be rational (‘it gets colder in winter’) or irrational (‘I am never going to make something of myself’).


This is an immediate belief or disposition about something specific. It is a recurring group of beliefs and behaviours aimed at specific groups, people, ideas or objects. They will normally be positive or negative and we will always behave that way to the target group. Examples of attitudes include confidence (I can or can’t do something), grateful (I an entitled to / grateful for XXX) and cheerful (I am generally happy / miserable).


These are things (principles or qualities) that we hold in high regard or consider to be worthwhile or right / wrong. They are formed by a belief related to the worth of something – an idea or behaviour. Some values are common (e.g. family comes first, the value of friendship) or cultural (which the whole community have – see video at here)

The theory

Links to Wikipedia

Expectancy Value Theory suggests you balance your beliefs about something with the value you attach to it. The Theory of Reasoned Action suggests that beliefs and evaluation about behavioural outcomes determine attitudes, and intentions lead directly to behaviour.


Expressions of confidence – can change over time


Learned predispositions to something – are subject to change


Ideals that guide our behaviour – Generally long lasting and often need life changing experience to change

Iceberg demonstrating implicit and explicit bias – from Owlcation

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A Butterfly Life: 4 Keys to More Happiness, Better Health and Letting Your True Self Shine

Times of change can be a challenge, no doubt! Whether it’s a relationship breakup, job loss, or being diagnosed with a serious health issue. Or you may WANT things to be different, but it feels a little scary or overwhelming. The butterfly reminds us change can be beautiful, even necessary, in order to realize our full potential and live our best life.