
Welcome to FoodDrive which is all about eating more healthily

This area is all about changing your habits and eating more healthily. The world has changed and we know processed foods aren’t good for us. But can we cut them out totally?

Eating too much processed food or too much of the wrong type of food will in the long term affect your body. Many people say I can’t afford to eat healthily – research says 25% of us buy impulsively at the supermarket. This rises to 33% if we have children.

Food waste is also a global issue - the average family can throw away £1500 of out-of-date food a year.

Click on a heading below and see a summary, and if you're interested you can GO and read more about it!

Here are some facts and stats  about food. GO!

Obesity is rising fast in children and adults and we give three reasons why. GO!

We used to manage on meat and two veg – now we eat MUCH more than that for each meal. GO!

Fruit, veg and meat seem to lack the taste they used to have – why? GO!

Should we care where our food comes from? GO!

You are a money making machine – you need to look after it! GO!

You should balance your diet between healthy and processed food. GO!

You should shop slowly and read the labels to see what you’re buying. GO!

When and how you eat affects your health too. GO!

Is it more healthy to be vegan or eat meat? GO!

Remember our parents telling us to chew our food – was that right? GO!

What happens to all the bread in supermarkets that goes out of date?  You’d be surprised… GO!

Our diet affects our bodies in all sorts of ways. GO!

Can vitamin sypplements improve your overall health, or do they just give you expensive pee? GO!

Does light or zero sugar make a difference? GO!

If you’re a visitor to our site you can join and download information, assess your own health and create your own action plans, and even contribute to our site.  GO!

We have a video and a testimonial. GO!

See what you can do next. GO!

We have some additional information and stuff on this subject. GO!

Facts About Food

of food
1 tons

1,000 tons of food is wasted every minute Source:

Farmed fish

Of fish consumed in the UK is farmed rising to 70% by 2050

in a Chinese meal
1 calories

In a Chinese take away – equivalent to eating 9 Mars bars [safefood]

Food waste compared to energy waste
people 74%

74% would turn off lights, and 55% would turn down heating to save energy and money BUT 3% feel guilty throwing away food. Source:

slices of bread
0.1 million

2.6 million slices of bread thrown out every day in London

Factory farmed chicken

Of chicken consumed in the UK is factory farmed

in a gin and tonic
1 calories

115 calories in a 210ml gin and tonic [Sigulda University] said switch to gin and tonic to lose weight in preference to other alcoholic drinks

Food wasted

Around one-third of the world’s food is lost to waste or 1.3 billion tons per year. Source:

obesity rates for men and women

Obesity is rising fast in adults and children and there are 3 reasons why

We start with obesity; you might be surprised as that is covered in FitnessDrive and WeightDrive but obesity in adults and children has got out of control in the UK and there are 3 reasons why.

Wrong food, too much alcohol and not enough exercise. If you tick all the 3 boxes then you need to take a step back read all 3 drives and ask yourself a question; are you in control of your life or is your life in control of you. We don’t preach at YouDriveHealth, we believe everyone should take responsibility for their own health but often we get carried away. We are creatures of habit and to break a habit takes time and determination. A fourth problem also exists in terms of portion size. In FuelDrive we focus on the types of food we eat.

In the 50s, 60s and 70s the all-adage meat and two veg often meant a small piece of meat and larger volumes of vegetables and potatoes to make up the meal.

Chinese food is great, as is pizza and fish and chips and all takeaways. Alcohol is super and enjoyable. Exercise is great also but all in moderation. If we eat too much, drink too much and don’t exercise we will definitely get fat and unhealthy.

An average Chinese meal is 2194 calories. An average person without exercise burns roughly 1800 calories, the other calories in simple terms are added to our fat level.

To burn calories, say by walking it depends on size and weight but roughly if you weigh 80 KG you would burn 100 calories in 1 mile.

The average brain burns around 500 calories per day, so you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to realise how easy it is to get fat.

meat and 2 veg

Meat and two veg

One of the biggest problems the UK population face is not the types of food we eat but the potion size. From the 30s to the 70s meat and two veg basically implied a balanced diet of a small amount of meat [ because meat was expensive in those days] and fill up with vegetables and potatoes. Often a Yorkshire pudding was thrown in for good measure or a soup and bread to start with. Why because people could not afford big steaks and joints. Soups with bread and Yorkshire puddings were fillers. Also, during this period any excess meat not consumed would be used for sandwiches, or bones boiled into soups or stews.

For desert was a pudding of simple combination apple pie, rice pudding or sponge and custard. The only serious negative about food in those days was the volume of fat consumed.

It was during the 70s that the steakhouse from America came to the UK and UK people began to consume 120z and 16oz steaks and by the 80s 32oz rib eyes were on the menu.

packed chicken farm

The problem today is fruit, veg and meat lacks the taste it used to. I wonder why?

This comment is made so often today especially by people over 35 as they knew a time when products were tastier. Tomatoes taste of nothing but It looks like a tomato. Pork is pale and tasteless as is chicken, beef not much better. Lamb seems to be the only one to escape this but that is often due to the environment and farming practice.

Animal farming has changed dramatically over the last 50 years. Corn fed free range chickens and pork living outside in fields foraging for roots. Beef fed quality food and grass fed for 5 years before slaughter. Today everything is faster, bigger, more controlled and intensive. Animals in the vast majority of cases 90% for chickens live in unnatural [sheds] conditions.


Tomatoes todays are grown in polytunnels. Most soft fruits and veg are grown even without soil in polytunnels in mulch and takes all its nutrition from chemical fertilisers.

Tomatoes todays are grown in polytunnels. Most soft fruits and veg are grown even without soil in polytunnels in mulch and takes all its nutrition from chemical fertilisers. Food animals are fed on high concentrates with chemicals to stop disease due to the environment. So when we say healthy eating we don’t just mean fresh fruit, meat and veg but where the fruit, veg and meat comes from.

where food comes from

Should I care where my fresh fruit, meat and veg, processed, ready meals come from?

Well, most certainly the answer is yes. If your fresh fruit is grown under polytunnel and never seen soil how did it grow? So, effectively you are eating chemical fertiliser to make the plant grow and pesticides to keep the bug off the plant. Ever see a scabby apple or odd shaped pear in the supermarket everything looks so pristine but if you have an apple tree in your garden you get bits of scab, infestation but wow what a difference in taste. Today, we manufacture food of all kinds but we don’t know the levels producers go to give us that pristine product. Producers and distributors say consumers are demanding high quality products so its not our fault, but this is not true even in the slightest, especially if consumers knew the chemicals used to make the product so pristine.

So, your fresh produce is intensively farmed. What about ready meals? Well not only is that intensively farmed but it has added chemicals to keep it fresh longer on the shelves and stop the ingredients interacting with each other, called stabilisers.

money making machine

You are a money-making machine

Imagine for a moment; going to a market and being able to buy a money-making machine [ after all that is the main reason why we go to work] We would certainly allocate time to service it, repair it, feed it carefully and exercise and put it through its paces and follow the manual because each month we can go to the machine pull the handle and money comes out. So, how much time and effort would you put into looking after a money-making machine, a lot we imagine. So feed yourself good quality food, a balanced diet of mixed foods and controlled alcohol and make sure you exercise.

balance healthy and processed food

Balance healthy food and processed food

Firstly, all the above are ok to eat otherwise life would be very dull and boring. Naturally ultra-processed foods are so Moorish but w can find an alternative. If we stick with feeding the money-making machine the manual says this machine needs the following: nuts, pulses, and grains.

A healthful diet can help ensure that the body gets all the nutrients it needs. Nuts, pulses, and grains are all highly nutritious. The following are some of the most healthful:
1. Almonds 2. Brazil nuts 3. Lentils 4. Oatmeal 5. Wheat germ 6. Broccoli 7. Apples 8. Kale 9. Blueberries 10. Avocados 11. Leafy green vegetables 12. Sweet potatoes 13. Oily fish 14. Corn fed Chicken 15. Eggs. 16 Ocean caught fish. 17 Lean meat.

Table of processed food, ultra-processed food and a home version:



Home version

sweetened breakfast cereals

plain bran cereal

oatmeal made with rolled oats and sweetened with honey


artificially flavoured sparkling water


flavoured potato chips

plain tortilla chips

DIY pita chips

white bread

whole-wheat bread with minimal ingredients

homemade bread

fried chicken

deli rotisserie chicken

roast chicken from scratch

flavoured candy bar with long ingredient list

simple candy bar with short ingredient list

dark chocolate squares


store-bought cold brew

drip coffee

mashed potato flakes

frozen potatoes

fresh, whole potatoes

energy drink

sweetened fruit juice

fresh-squeezed orange juice

flavoured granola bars with added sugar and preservatives

granola bars with minimal additives

DIY granola

artificially flavoured cheese crackers

naturally flavoured crackers

whole-grain crackers and cheese slices

One tip; remember the meat and two veg. if you are having processed meat or food, add a portion of fresh vegetables to the plate.

food shopping

Shop slowly and read the labels and origin of purchase

For most supermarket food shopping or online shopping is a rush, get it done asap and get out. But stop this is one of the most important parts of the job, choosing the right food from the right place. It might taste good; it might look good but is it good for you?

How many of us stop and think what’s in this meal, packet, label? Where is this product from? What does Responsibly sourced actually mean?
Responsible sourcing is an approach to sourcing and supply chains. It's when an organisation actively and consciously sources and procures products and services for their operations in an ethical, sustainable and socially conscious way. Or responsibly farmed seafood has been produced in a way that minimises environmental impacts and protects workers' rights and local communities.

This doesn’t mean they don’t use chemicals or its organic it means they try to set standards that are unmeasurable and vague so they don’t have to be held accountable for them but it sounds good to the consumer.

Food consumption

For certain most people eat too much at one sitting. Having kids does not help as we also eat some of theirs especially the puddings. Another issue is being a single person it’s hard to do portion control as you are trying to cook a nice meal and end up making something for four and if it’s really nice you can’t resist going back for more. The fact is portion size is often a bigger issue that processed food or wrong food because it’s the volume you consume.

Lifestyle habits can also be a problem for healthy eating. Rushing to work, getting the kids to school. Rushing back from work, feeding hungry children etc. eating habits should be a family thing. I you are on your own still set the table and make the effort to cook for yourself you deserve it. :

Make the food and If there is too much freeze it or take it for lunch the following day.

They say “Breakfast like a king; lunch like a prince; dinner like a pauper.” In many mediteranean countries this is the case or certainly lunch Is the main meal of the day. The UK the average is 7pm to 8pm. Couple this with a large portion and immobility in the evening and bed by 10.45 so you are sleeping whilst your stomach is still trying to digest food.

Try eating your main meal at lunchtime and eating less in the evening. This gives your body chance to burn of the food you have eaten. :

Try eating your main meal at lunchtime and eating less in the evening. This gives your body chance to burn of the food you have eaten.
What food you shouldn’t eat at late in the evening.
You should not really eat any foods after 9.30 as its not great for digestion.
Not on the evening food list: Crisps, chocolate, Cakes or ice cream, curry, spicy food like Kebabs, Cheese
Go for it late evenings; Cherries, Turkey, bananas, Yogurt, nuts, eggs, oatmeal.

vegan or carnivore

Carnivore or vegan which is healthiest?

In reality both are just as good or bad as each other and require supplements if you are extreme. A balanced diet made up of different types of foods is a healthy balanced diet. Yes, vegans probably have the edge but if you look at most vegan cook books they use a huge number of spices and ingredients to enhance their food. Meat is good for you in moderation.

A good old fashioned full English breakfast will do you no harm every month but not every day. Eating a pork sausage and mash won’t kill you once a month, but not every day. Likewise the prospect of eating lentils each day would have most people rushing for the co-codamol bottle.

I love salad!! We all do but not every day especially in the winter when its cold and your body crave some stodge. Seasonal fresh salad is unbeatable especially from a local market, your own garden or allotment association but out of season most salad is produced under polytunnel and fed on chemicals and then you have to ask yourself which is better for me fish and chips or lettuce doused in chemicals. You decide.

how do I eat

How do I eat?

We all must have heard parents or grandparents say: chew your food or you will get indigestion. Let’s face it most UK people eat to fuel and don’t eat for pleasure. We eat and talk and get the food down as fast as we can. They say chewing the food at least 10 times helps digestion and stops increased stomach and bowel acid. The Telegraph indicated that the NHS spend £7.5 million on indigestion and heartburn remedies each year.

Food for health is about buying and consuming a balanced diet and trying to eat healthily. We all eat unhealthy food from time to time and that is perfectly fine, but why is it that food that really isn’t good for us tastes so nice? But eating too much processed foods will have a significant impact on our weight and organs. In fact, one could say that processed foods are additive like smoking and drinking and it’s not easy to wean ourselves off to a healthier eating habit, and that’s the key word HABIT. See our section on creating a new habit, ChangeDrive.

Where does out of date bread go

Earlier in this drive we talked about the difference between fresh bread with no preservatives and bread sold in the UK in plastic bags. Well, have you ever wondered where the old out of date bread goes when it comes off the supermarket shelves? it goes to a special company and it is all ground together into a giant mincing machine and ground up into crumbs. This includes the coloured branded plastic bag it came in and the tag on the end. As bread is yeast based it requires further chemicals to stop another fermentation process restarting.

It is then sold to farmers for winter feed to cows which eat the crumbs, plastic bag and tag. We then milk the cow or eat the beef.

So, not only is most supermarket bread highly processed and laced with preservatives. Some common bread preservatives include calcium propionate, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, and sorbic acid but we then mince the whole lot together and add more chemicals to stop the bread crumbs from starting to referment. Then feed this to dairy cows. Imagine all those chemicals, stabilizers and preservatives as well as the printed plastic bag and tag. That’s why you should always buy Organic Milk.

Just to remind you cows stomachs may be big but they are not designed to eat colour printed plastic. Yet again another Food Standards Agency and Agricultural Agency getting together to provide winter feed at a cheap cost with no regard for the cow or the consumer.

So, eat real bread with nothing in it other than the bread making ingredients. Buy a fresh loaf and freeze it and remove slices as you need it.

body health

Food medicine - you need the right fuel to keep your body and mind in good shape

A regular healthy eating regime is not just good for you it has medicinal benefits.

If we get too much food, or food that gives our bodies the wrong instructions, we can become overweight, undernourished, and at risk for the development of diseases and conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease. In short, what we eat is central to our health.

The tabs below cover various aspects of body health.


When should I take vitamins and minerals supplements

In most instances and you can ask any doctor, in the main taking supplements only gives you expensive Pee. If you are young, healthy, physically and mentally fit and not doing extreme sports, activities etc then as long as you have a very good balanced diet then there is no need to take supplements. Having said that, you will often in the northern hemisphere find yourself in the winter lacking in vitamin D.

The quality of fresh food and the manufacturers desire to pump chemicals into and onto plants for the sake of growth is worrying. The quality must be reducing you often see on packaging terms such as enhanced vit X and Y o Z and you stop and think why? Why are you messing with the plants? If vitamins and minerals are lacking in a product there putting more chemicals in to make up the shortfall is defeating the object of healthy eating.

If the tradition way of growing plants in soil to which the plant extracts nutrients, vitamins and minerals from the soil then how does a plant grown on a rack in gel gains its nutrients, it can only be through artificial means.

If you are elderly, ill, pregnant or have a medical condition that needs additional support then taking supplements are essential. What most people do when they feel down, tired, sleepy is immediately guess what might be wrong and start taking a multi vitamin. You have no idea what your short on or overdosing on so why not get a blood test and find out if you have any deficiencies. See TestDrive for more details. If you do need to take supplements then make sure you look for natural supplements first, then organic before looking into standard supplements. 78% of the world production of vitamin C and D comes from China. Take a test and be specific about what you need. A general supplement will do you little or no good.

sugar content

Light or Zero sugar – does it make any difference

Consumers over the last 20 years have gone crazy for low fat, zero sugar products and many have never stopped to think, how is that. I you remove all the fat doesn’t it affect the taste or look. well, the answer is of course it does. Its one of the most processed products you can get on the market.

Why buy low fat when they never taste as good as the full fat alternative, just eat less of that product or make a treat.

Here are 10 things that the advertiser say are low fat and they are low in nutrients;

So, let’s look at some products with the highest sugar contents:
Low fat yogurt, Barbecue (BBQ) sauce, Ketchup, Fruit juice, Spaghetti sauce, Sports drinks, Chocolate milk, Granola, Flavoured coffees, Iced tea, Protein bars, Premade soup, Breakfast cereal, Cereal bars, Canned fruit, Canned baked beans, Premade smoothies.

There is nothing wrong with these products but be aware they contain huge amounts of sugar and you should make sure you eat them sparingly.

• Low fat sweetened breakfast cereals
• Low fat flavoured coffee drinks
• Low fat flavoured yogurt
• Reduced fat peanut butter
• Low fat muffins
• Low fat cookies
• Low fat cereal bars
• Low fat spreads
• Reduced fat cheese

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Power foods for the brain

Brain food?

Video is 17 minutes long from Ted Talks

What can we do to help reduce the risk of Alzheimers? This video (from USA!) discusses the connection between what we eat (on purpose and accidentally!) – and Alzheimers. Is there anything I can eat to improve my chances?

"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon."
Doug Larson
Columnist and editor

Next Steps

It doesn’t matter what stage  you’re at – it’s important to be the best you can be.  At the end of the day it’s about taking personal responsibility – You Drive!

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More information

Healthy Eating

100+ Fast and Easy Recipes for the Whole Family

Healthy Eating cookbook presented here is designed to assist you in unfolding the world of food that will give you taste and support and strengthen your heart that has become fragile due to unhealthy diet and unhealthy eating habits of the previous life.

Go to Amazon

Feel Good Food

Bestselling fitness guru Joe Wicks is back in 2022 with a new cookbook for the whole family full of easy, healthy and budget friendly recipes.

From energy-boosting breakfasts to satisfying family feasts, the food you eat can transform your day.

Go to Amazon


The Surprising Science behind Your Brain and Food and the Top Foods That Fight OCD, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia and Unhealthy Gut Bacteria (THE BRAIN FOOD SERIES)

Improve Your Health with What You Eat

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The Hairy Bikers’ Meat Feasts

With Over 120 Delicious Recipes – A Meaty Modern Classic

There’s something about the smell of meat cooking that signals a feast – it’s savoury, comforting and tempting. A steak on the grill, a roast in the oven, a casserole bubbling: they make your mouth water.

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The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners

A No-Stress Meal Plan with Easy Recipes to Heal the Immune System

Did you know making dietary changes, like eliminating processed foods, can help lower the inflammation believed to be a key contributor to chronic pain?

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The Complete Book of Vitamin and Mineral Counts

Get the Most from the Food You Eat-with the Vitamin and Mineral Counts You Need to Be Healthy and Live Longer (CTN Food Counts)

The importance of a balanced and healthful diet cannot be overemphasized. But how can you be sure you are getting all of the nutrients your body requires?

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The New Essential Blood Sugar Diet Cookbook

A Quick Start Guide To Balancing Your Blood Sugar Through Diet. Improve Your Health And Lose Weight PLUS Over 80 New Blood Sugar Friendly Recipes

With plenty of simple and delicious blood sugar-friendly recipes to choose from, this cookbook is a handy resource for anyone embarking on the blood sugar diet and looking for great new recipe ideas!

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KEPLIN Kitchen Cooking Digital Food Thermometer with Extra Long Probe

5.9in, inches Backlit LCD Screen with Instant Read, Best Tool for Food, Meat, Grill, Barbecue, Milk & Water (Battery Included)

Backlit LCD: Always visible temperature, able to use in the dark with blue backlight that provides a brightened screen so you can easily read the measurement in any cooking environment, night or day, inside or outside! Just press and hold to turn on and keep the light on, this also retains the temperature reading,

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The Health Foundation have published a paper on healthy living in the UK – access their site here

Friends of the Earth have a site explaining their position on sustainable eating

The Health Foundation have published a paper on healthy living in the UK – access their site here

The NHS have lots of information on eating well

If you can’t stop eating, then Overeaters Anonymous can help you curb your over indulgence and give useful tips on overeating  

Groceryaid have information on healthy living

If you have Diabetes then click here for eating tips

There’s a report on Food Waste in England from theHouse of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee  – download it here

AgeUK have a lot of info on staying healthy as you get older, including sections on healthy eating.  Download the paper here.

All areas of health are interlinked

You need to scroll down to see all the info in this popup – sorry for going on so much!

Find your initial focus

You might think that physical, financial and mental health are quite separate, and for some people they are. However, often a problem in one area has a knock-on effect on others. Losing your job can lead to anxiety and depression, which can turn you to drink and impact your health.

You might have a severe issue in one area but that can lead to problems in other areas, and the people treating you for the first problem won’t be equipped to deal with these linked issues.

For example, doctors and nurses can treat you for a physical problem but can’t advise you about your job or finances.  Nor for the anxiety that comes with it, apart from prescribing some drugs, which might or might not be the best solution.

We encourage you to take a holistic view – we look at all areas and offer support across the whole spectrum.

health areas interlinked

Even this view of health is simplistic, as you’ll discover later if you go down that route.  You might want to consider overall health, or wellness or wellbeing, which include additional types of health, such as occupational health (how you are in your job).   Then there’s happiness and quality of life – how do these fit?

If you’re interested in that, click the link here to see more information.

To close this box and go back click the X at the top or just click outside the box

The New Essential Blood Sugar Diet Cookbook

A Quick Start Guide To Balancing Your Blood Sugar Through Diet. Improve Your Health And Lose Weight PLUS Over 80 New Blood Sugar Friendly Recipes

With plenty of simple and delicious blood sugar-friendly recipes to choose from, this cookbook is a handy resource for anyone embarking on the blood sugar diet and looking for great new recipe ideas!

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blood sugar cookbook

The Complete Book of Vitamin and Mineral Counts

Get the Most from the Food You Eat-with the Vitamin and Mineral Counts You Need to Be Healthy and Live Longer (CTN Food Counts)

The importance of a balanced and healthful diet cannot be overemphasized. But how can you be sure you are getting all of the nutrients your body requires?

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vitamin minerals book

Stuff you might want regarding food

Now you’ve read about food you might want to make a bit of a statement.  Have a look at some stuff below we think has some humour value!  We may make pennies on commission, but that’s not the point really.  Click on the image to see more details.


The Meal Prep King Plan

Save time. Lose weight. Eat the meals you love.

Ready to make a change in 2022? Lose weight for good with great-tasting, easy-to-cook recipes from The Meal Prep King Plan

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The Science of Cooking

Every Question Answered to Perfect your Cooking

Which vegetables should you eat raw? How do you make the perfect poached egg? And should you keep your eggs in the fridge? Food scientist Dr Stuart Farrimond answers all these questions

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The Complete Vegetable Cookbook

A Seasonal, Zero-waste Guide to Cooking with Vegetables

A must-have guide for every cook on how to prepare, store, and cook fresh seasonal vegetables with confidence and keep waste to a minimum

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That Sounds So Good

100 Real-Life Recipes for Every Day of the Week

In NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER That Sounds So Good, Carla Lalli Music believes that delicious food is an essential and attainable part of life, no matter how busy you are.

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Skinnytaste Air Fryer Dinners:

5 Healthy Recipes for Easy Weeknight Meals: A Cookbook Hardcover – Illustrated, 14 Dec. 2021

75 recipes dedicated to making air fryer dinners easier and healthier, from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Skinnytaste Air Fryer Cookbook

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Healthy Eating

100+ Fast and Easy Recipes for the Whole Family

Healthy Eating cookbook presented here is designed to assist you in unfolding the world of food that will give you taste and support and strengthen your heart that has become fragile due to unhealthy diet and unhealthy eating habits of the previous life.

Go to Amazon

Feel Good Food

Bestselling fitness guru Joe Wicks is back in 2022 with a new cookbook for the whole family full of easy, healthy and budget friendly recipes.

From energy-boosting breakfasts to satisfying family feasts, the food you eat can transform your day.

Go to Amazon


An Indispensable Guide to the Surprising Foods That Fight Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, OCD, ADHD, and More: includes a PDF of supplemental Material Audio CD

The definitive book on how to eat for mental health, from a go-to expert on the impact of food on the brain.

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The Hairy Bikers’ Meat Feasts

With Over 120 Delicious Recipes – A Meaty Modern Classic

There’s something about the smell of meat cooking that signals a feast – it’s savoury, comforting and tempting. A steak on the grill, a roast in the oven, a casserole bubbling: they make your mouth water.

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The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners

A No-Stress Meal Plan with Easy Recipes to Heal the Immune System

Did you know making dietary changes, like eliminating processed foods, can help lower the inflammation believed to be a key contributor to chronic pain?

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anti-inflammatory diet book

Stuff you might want regarding drugs

Now you’ve read about drugs you might want to make a bit of a statement.  Have a look at some stuff below we think has some humour value!  We may make pennies on commission, but that’s not the point really.  Click on the image to see more details.

Moody Bitches

The Truth About the Drugs You’Re Taking, the Sleep You’Re Missing, the Sex You’Re Not Having and What’s Really Making You Crazy. . .

Overworked? Exhausted? Powering between career, family and friends and frazzled and libido-less as a result? No wonder you’re moody! 

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moody bitches book

Vintage 1930’s Marihuana Marijuana Anti Drugs Poster

  • A2 – 420mm by 594mm Fine Art Reprooduction Print
  • Print is as represented in the image, this will include a border
  • 210 gsm matte paper

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marihuana poster

No Drugs Sign

  • Size – 260 x 170mm Black Gold Writing
  • 1.5mm rigid gloss black material
  • Rounded corners – Printed Gold Text.
  • Supplied with adhesive pads
  • Mileta Silver Elegant Sign

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no drugs sign

Anti Spiking Drink Cover

Standard Size, Scrunchie Prevents Easy Spiking of Drinks

  • Hair Scrunchie
  • High Quality

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anti-spiking drinks cover

7-in-1 Rapid Drug Test Dip Cards

Urine Drug Tests Kit | Test for Cocaine, Opiates, Methadone, Amphetamines, Cannabis, Ecstasy & Benzodiazepines

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Health Areas in Domains

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We break down the overall concept of health or wellness into ‘bite-sized chunks’ that we can actually do something about.  The first level we call health domains. 

We like the Life of Wellness site and we have chosen the following domains.

1. Emotional Wellness: Awareness and acceptance of feelings
2. Spiritual Wellness: A search for meaning and purpose
3. Intellectual Wellness: Recognition of your creativity, knowledge and skills
4. Physical Wellness: Need for physical activity and balanced nutrition
5. Environmental Wellness: Positive awareness and impact on your environment
6. Financial Wellness: Debt reduction, cash flow balance or financial future planning
7. Occupational Wellness: Personal achievement and enrichment from your career
8. Social Wellness: Contribution to your community

Health Areas

Within each domain, we have included a number of health areas. These are specific issues that you can tackle.  Within each health area, e.g. Depression, we have built additional information and exercises which you can do to help in the area. You can create your own Action Plan to address this area, and see

Emotional: Anxiety, Compassion Fatigue, Depression, Gambling, Laughter, Narcissistic, Personality Disorder, Sleep, Stress

Environmental: Environmental Issues, Greenness

Financial: Debt, Family Finance, Financial Planning, Financial Wellness

Intellectual: IQ, Personality, Procrastination

Occupational: Jobs for Different Personality Types, Retirement Income, Work Life Balance

Physical: Alcohol, Disabilities, Dizziness, Drugs, Fitness, Food Preferences, General Health, Healthy Ageing, Illness, Nutrition, Sleep Apnea, Smoking

Social: Communication Skills, Communication Styles, Domestic Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Love Partnerships, Mental Abuse, Parenting Styles, Sexual Addiction

Spiritual: Are You Sensitive, Mystical Guidance, Spirituality

Each health area has supporting information and its own questionnaire.

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Understand Health

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Physical, financial and mental health

One definition of health is:

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. 

The NHS define health as: ‘We use a broad definition of health that encompasses both physical and mental health, as well as wellbeing. This means we are not only interested in whether or not people are ill or have a health condition, but also in how healthy and well they are.’

We believe we also have to consider financial health, as this can easily impact physical and mental health. Click the button to see an example of how these are connected.

 It gets more complicated…

What is Health? How about Wellness, Wellbeing or Happiness?

The Active Wellbeing Society (TAWS) define Health as a state of the overall mental and physical state of a person; the absence of disease. They define Wellbeing or wellness as a way of life that aims to enhance well-being and refers to a more holistic whole-of-life experience which also includes emotional and spiritual aspects of life.  We expand on this definition of health to include financial health and mental health, to make it synonymous with wellbeing or wellness.  

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Values, Attitudes and Beliefs

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We all have our beliefs, attitudes and values – these have developed throughout our life based on who we are and what we have done. Let’s look at what these are.

The University of Reading explain: “People’s values, beliefs and attitudes are formed and bonded over time through the influences of family, friends, society and life experiences. So, by the time you’re an adult, you can hold very definite views on just about everything with a sense of “no one is going to change my mind”.

The combination of your personal values, beliefs and attitudes are your moral principles that guide you in life and affect your behaviour. However, your views can wildly differ to others and in an institution such as a school, these beliefs may be counter to the values of the school, child development or indeed the law.” 

Let’s look more closely at the differences between beliefs, attitudes and values.


These come from real experiences – we think our beliefs are based on reality, but in fact our beliefs colour our experiences; also, an original experience e.g. when we were a child is not the same as what’s happening now. Beliefs can be moral, religious or cultural and reflect who we are. They can be rational (‘it gets colder in winter’) or irrational (‘I am never going to make something of myself’).


This is an immediate belief or disposition about something specific. It is a recurring group of beliefs and behaviours aimed at specific groups, people, ideas or objects. They will normally be positive or negative and we will always behave that way to the target group. Examples of attitudes include confidence (I can or can’t do something), grateful (I an entitled to / grateful for XXX) and cheerful (I am generally happy / miserable).


These are things (principles or qualities) that we hold in high regard or consider to be worthwhile or right / wrong. They are formed by a belief related to the worth of something – an idea or behaviour. Some values are common (e.g. family comes first, the value of friendship) or cultural (which the whole community have – see video at here)

The theory

Links to Wikipedia

Expectancy Value Theory suggests you balance your beliefs about something with the value you attach to it. The Theory of Reasoned Action suggests that beliefs and evaluation about behavioural outcomes determine attitudes, and intentions lead directly to behaviour.


Expressions of confidence – can change over time


Learned predispositions to something – are subject to change


Ideals that guide our behaviour – Generally long lasting and often need life changing experience to change

Iceberg demonstrating implicit and explicit bias – from Owlcation

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Assess your overall health using a health questionnaire

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At YouDrive we try and help people improve their health. We use ‘health’ but we understand there are other terms such as wellbeing or even happiness that reflect how we are doing in our lives – if you’re interested in the different definitions and ideas see our page on the subject.

We want to help whether you have a particular problem – physical, financial or mental – or if you just want to improve some specific part of your life or just make some improvements overall.

You’d be surprised, but there has been a serious amount of scientific work done in this area over the last twenty years.

So first we allow you to assess your current health (or wellbeing, or happiness).  We do this by questionnaire.  Which one is determined by the type of person you are:

  1. You understand yourself well and want a quick overview of your health and wellness, and will drill down in any areas needing work
  2. You want to do a more detailed assessment and then focus on areas you’re already aware of
  3. You want to look at the whole situation in more detail across all the health domains.

By the way, we take your privacy seriously – we collect information that you choose to provide but we de-identify it as much as possible and will never share it with anyone without your explicit consent.

You can then drill down into some specific areas and there are more questionnaires to see your situation in these particular areas.  We provide you with specific information and refer you to other potential aspects of help. Our next step is to build a personalised action plan – for now we will make a suggestion for you to develop your own plan and then after a time you can see whether this has had a positive impact by retaking the test.

In future we will be engaging with medical and behavioural specialists to devise action plans for individual people with specific situations.

We have an overall questionnaire which you can complete which will assess your current state.

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Add your attitude to change - see how you view changes in your life

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Do you need to change?

No matter how healthy you are at the moment, the chances are that there are some areas you could improve. It may be that you have a real problem in one or more areas, and you would like to make some improvements.

At YouDrive we accept that there are many different degrees of ‘not wellness’ in a large number of different health areas, ranging from physical illness such as covid-19 through mental illness such as anxiety through to financial problems like debt.  We try and help where the problem ranges from ‘slight’ to quite bad’ – after this expert help and intervention may be needed.

However, especially in these times, we have to try and make these changes ourselves, possibly with some help from others, whether remotely or face to face.

The thing is, to make an improvement we have to change some things.

This involves changing our behaviour in some respects, and that’s not always easy.

Henry Ford, the creator of the assembly line, is quoted as saying “if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”.  

henry ford

Another way of looking at this: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” – attributed to Albert Einstein.

Consequently we need to make some changes.  The problem is that we have already developed a lot of habits, some of which we need to break and replace by better ones.  Some of our bad habits have become entrenched, and the bad results they create in turn engender further bad habits to develop – in effect the bad habits can feed on themselves.

We need to understand how we can make changes and stick to them, and that’s what this part of your health profile is about.

It will involve some learning, through reading, some videos and some additional information and also seeing how you react to change currently.

It will also ask you to consider whether you feel you are in charge of your future, or whether you feel it’s all fate.

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Locus of Control

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  • We want to help people in all aspects of their health  – physical, financial and mental. We also provide detailed explanations of how overall health (or well-being) is measured.
  • We believe these things are often linked, so we try and address health holistically. We are building templates, questionnaires and exercises to help you identify what’s important to you.
  • We think people should try and take responsibility for  of their own health as much as they can.  See below for what that means.

People look at things differently.  Some people believe things happen to them, while others believe they can influence what happens to them. Technically this is called the ‘locus of control’.  People can have an Internal or external Locus of Control

So how do you see things?

Psychology Today have a 15 minute test which gives you a summary of your position you can buy the detailed results if you want to.

My Personality Test have a 10 minute test which gives you a summary.

People tend to take more responsibility (locus gets more internal) as they get older.  However, external isn’t always bad – for example if you are physically unable to do some things you can accept it and focus on the things you can do.  This American video explains the concept and gives examples of how this can affect relationships.

locus of control


  • More likely to take responsibility for actions
  • Tend to be less influenced by others


  • Blame outside forces for what happens
  • Don’t believe they can change their situation themselves

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See which domains you should address

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Having established that we use 8 domains, you need to understand which you should concentrate on.

The 8 are:

  • Emotional
  • Environmental
  • Financial
  • Intellectual
  • Occupational
  • Physical
  • Social
  • Spiritual


You can take a questionnaire, which scores you in each domain.  You can decide which domains you are strong in, and which you need to improve.

Another analysis shows which domains you should look at, but also which domains you want to look at.

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Health domains

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We break down the overall concept of health or wellness into ‘bite-sized chunks’ that we can actually do something about.  The first level we call health domains.

We like the Life of Wellness site and we have chosen the following domains.

1. Emotional Wellness: Awareness and acceptance of feelings
2. Spiritual Wellness: A search for meaning and purpose
3. Intellectual Wellness: Recognition of your creativity, knowledge and skills
4. Physical Wellness: Need for physical activity and balanced nutrition
5. Environmental Wellness: Positive awareness and impact on your environment
6. Financial Wellness: Debt reduction, cash flow balance or financial future planning
7. Occupational Wellness: Personal achievement and enrichment from your career
8. Social Wellness: Contribution to your community

wellness wheel

Health Areas

Within each domain, we have included a number of health areas. These are specific issues that you can tackle.  Within each health area, e.g. Depression, once you have subscribed we have built additional information and exercises which you can do to help in the area.

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A Butterfly Life: 4 Keys to More Happiness, Better Health and Letting Your True Self Shine

Times of change can be a challenge, no doubt! Whether it’s a relationship breakup, job loss, or being diagnosed with a serious health issue. Or you may WANT things to be different, but it feels a little scary or overwhelming. The butterfly reminds us change can be beautiful, even necessary, in order to realize our full potential and live our best life.